I Was Bewitched Using Salt Spell
I was bewitched using salt spell and this happened
when my tenant requested me to assist her with my salt
i actually discovered it just currently after consulting with
spiritual adviser gogo omar sultan i call him gogo because back
home we do call them like that it’s kind of respect given to them using
those names he meditated, and palm read me then he told me all my problems and
where they come from and where they want me to end,
i understand it now because am one day i gave out my salt
to them and dr told me is more dangerous giving them your salt
so many things they can do to you at the start you can start seeing falling
down in business yet its evil spirits which they sent to you they collecting everything.
My advise to every body Dr Omar sultan will help you in all life human problems
if you have challenges in life please try him he will help you if you never know or
you may never know what can happen things can happen and they always.
Salt Spell of Marriage Separation did you know that
if you mix salt and small ash on whole or house evil spirits that can or
may cause misunderstanding in your family or your house that salt will chase away
all bad things. I was bewitched using salt spell but if in case they use other things of you.