5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck

5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck

5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck

Yes, you going to find out why all your plans are falling apart you plan to get school

but you failed to get one you plan to change what to study still they don’t accept you or take you

now sitting at home asking yourself why things are going like this on me all my friends

now are done and working but you are not. in addition, today the first symptom of

evil spirit will be ~ 5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck



1 Failing to get a school at doesn’t matter which level of the school you want to start

or attend once you go to register and they don’t take you it means problems i will help you to solve that

problem i will first uproot the problem where comes from and knowing that i will do everything in front

of you means i will cast a spell when you look distance is not a problem

because i help people all over the world. however, casting a spell to remove bad luck and other

problems will require you to follow instructions. 5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck


2 Rough Face like Pimple or Rash

this will be another sign

showing that you under attack of Isichitho this is strange bad luck spell where by

they will turn you into old person by making your face rough and paining or face itching and hot

every time. hence, you can use your knowledge to know that you can contact Dr Omar Sultan.


3 Money problems this will be the most important item every human being

must have in house but unlike others who can fail to take their kids to school because they don’t

have money and so on. but today i promise you that you going to end all money situation

if you contact me i will cast a spell of money in back and you can have money on

your bank account or home remember using this new spell it will not leave you the same you will gain.

5 signs shows that you under curse or evil spirits and bad luck


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